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Ending Homelessness with God's Love

Women on Fire A Great Success

Special "Women on Fire" fundraiser to help abused and homeless women in Miami was Fabulous and Fun!

On Saturday, May 6th, over 100 people attended the "Women on Fire" fund raising event to not only raise dollars to help abused women and children but to raise awareness and increase the number of people to become Cover Girls.

It was a wonderful afternoon to show the formerly homeless and abused women residing at our Miami Center that they are beautiful and that they too can become independent and successful. Over 100 people participated in our Women on Fire Fundraising Event presented by the Miami Rescue Mission’s CoverGirls at the Miami Rescue Mission’s Annext Building.

“ What a great time we had. I really enjoyed myself and learned so much about women who are working to overcome their past situations of abuse and violence. My girlfriend invited me and now I am an official Cover Girl.”

Linda, Cover Girl Volunteer

The guests enjoyed a fashion show where the models were our Miami residents along with the CoverGirls. There was a fire show, special guest speakers, and two very emotional and heartfelt testimonies. Everyone were invited to join our CoverGirls group to help us to continue to raise funds and awareness to keep women and children coming out of domestic violence and homelessness covered.

“ I am so thankful for the support I am receiving by the Cover Girls. It was great being a model today and seeing so many women getting involved to help me and my kids. ”


The CoverGirls believe that with the right guidance and tools — and lots of encouragement and support,every abused and homeless woman has hope of becoming better for themselves and for their children.

Great Supporters

Stunning Models

Temendous fashion show eas enjoyed by all.

Pastor Lea

Pastor Lea from New Beginnings Church

Carla Rodrigues

Carla Rodrigues, Center for Women and Children

Lian Navarro

“I'm so excited about so many women becoming a part of Cover Girls. It's a dream come true. Please contact me to get involved and to learn more.”

Lian Navarro, Community Development Associate and Cover Girls Leader